MGE型-320噸-通用門式起重機(雙小車)-產品圖片 MGE type-320t-general gantry crane(double trolley) -Product Images. "龍輝奇跡" "Longhui Miracle" Longhui people have created a miracle of making time again, the installation of MGE type-320t-general gantry crane(double trolley). Our cooperation parter Dezhou Hengye equipment installation co.,ltd received an installation project of a 25000 tons heavy forging equipment from Germany, but the preparation work of installing an MGE type-320t-general gantry crane(double trolley) must be finished within 25 days for the equipment from Germany had arrived in Shanghai Port. We must finished installation and debugging of the crane before the equipment from Germany be transferred to Sichuan Jiannanchun Group(Sichuan Tianqian Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.) For this installation and acceptance check mission, we got strong support and help from the National Quality Supervision and Research Center for lifting and transport machinery, Shandong Province Special Equipment Supervision and Research Institute, Tai’an City Special Equipment Supervision and Research Institute, Yangliu work station attached to Tai’an City, Deyang City Special Equipment Supervision and Research Institute, successfully we passed the final test with all performances and parameters conformed to the national standards. 我們24小時不間斷工作,科學化安排工作,爭取每一分一秒都不浪費,起重機采用分組制造整體組合,運輸采用生產制造完成一部分運輸一部分的機制,安裝采用組合式科學化安裝,既保證了生產制造的工藝完整性,又保證了產品質量符合技術要求,龍輝起重始終忠實以人為本的理念,重視人的創造性,在制造過正中充分釋放工人的創造性,制造出多套有助有生產和質量工藝的工裝胎具,“安全生產”安全第一廠領導時時刻刻注意排查安全你隱患,保證了職工人人能有一個安全的制造生產環境,黨員先上起到了先鋒帶頭作用,使大家的干勁得到了極大的鼓舞,龍輝人上下一心,齊心合力敢于挑戰困難,從設計制造到安裝驗收完畢僅用50天、龍輝人又一次創造了龍輝奇跡。 We arranged scientifically and worked 24 hours each day without interruption to save each second and minute. We carried like this: the crane was manufactured in groups and be combined as a whole, the transport started as soon as any parts were manufactured, thus not only guaranteed the treatment in production but also made the quality conformed to technology requirements. Longhui Group has always honored the concept of people oriented , appreciated the creativity of people, fully released the creativity of workers in work, and many sets of tooling molds helpful to production and treatment process were manufactured. “Safe production”is above all, leaders of our company keep on safety checking regularly in order to make a safe production circumstance for all staff members who were inspired and united tightly heart to heart for the next miracle! |